The Mundane

               I like boring. I love monotony. To those who know me, they understand that I ride the rhythm of schedule quite well. I am delighted with how things can remain calm and ordinary, day in and day out. I don’t like disruptions. I am bad with change. I can stick with something longer than … Continue reading The Mundane

Hope Bearer

                2020 has been a year of uncertainties, questions, struggles, and many challenges. To say that it has affected everyone globally is an understatement. Families and individuals needed to deal with change after change in a time of crisis. As this pandemic has brought changes that caused stress to grown-ups, we can just imagine the … Continue reading Hope Bearer


                Some days you are overwhelmed with how blessed you are. And on other days, you look around and see how far they have gone. Some days you rejoice at small victories. Other days, you wish you had their success stories. Some days you smile at the beauty of the sunrise. Other days, you want … Continue reading Successes